Walworth Society News Mid-June 2024

1. Walworth Society General Meeting – Wednesday 19th June at 7pm – online (Zoom) only.

A number of people are away at the moment so our next general WS meeting will be held online (Zoom) only, on Wednesday 19th June starting at 7pm.

To join on Zoom please click here or go to Zoom and join with Meeting ID: 818 7906 1079, Passcode: 601580

Our agenda for the meeting is:

  1. Welcome, apologies and introductions.
  2. Action points from our May meeting and matters arising.
  3. Planning matters.
  4. Other current issues.
  5. AOB.

We are postponing our discussion about the Future of the Walworth Road as a High Street until our September meeting – full details to follow closer to the time.

The minutes of the May meeting are here.

2. Building Beyond. St Peter’s 200th Anniversary building appeal.

News from St Peter’s Church of the start of their 200th Anniversary building appeal. The church is planning a significant programme of restoration along with a host of improvements to their community facilities and they are now busy preparing their application to the National Lottery Heritage Fund.

To help inform that bid, they are looking for help to work out what local people want from St Peter’s Church, how they feel about St Peter’s Church, and what the church can do to make this Grade 1 listed Soane building open to more and more people to enjoy and appreciate in lots of different ways.

Please take 5 minutes to fill in this survey: https://stpeterswalworth.typeform.com/survey

More information about the project to follow as it moves forward.

3. Once Upon a Market-East Street play.

News of a new play about East Street market from The People’s Company.

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